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Whats in my attic?

If you have noticed unusual noises or signs of damage, it is possible that there may be wildlife, such as squirrels, raccoons, or bats, residing in your attic. It is important to have a professional wildlife removal company, such as Wildlife Solutions of Texas, assess the situation and provide a solution to safely and humanely remove the animals and restore the attic to a clean and safe environment.

How do i get rid of squirrels?

Getting rid of squirrels without professional help can be difficult and dangerous. Squirrels can cause damage to your home and property, spread diseases, and be aggressive when not handled properly. Professional wildlife removal technicians have specialized equipment and know how to properly locate and remove squirrels in a humane, effective, and safe manner. They also know how to best prevent future infestations and will often provide follow up services to ensure all squirrels are removed.

Is it legal to trap or remove wildlife from my property?

The legality of trapping and removing wildlife varies by state and local laws. It is important to consult with a professional wildlife removal company and follow all relevant regulations.

How are entry points sealed?

Sealing animal entry points and preventative areas with custom fit sheet metal is a highly effective way to keep animals out of your home or building. This method involves installing sheet metal over any openings or potential entry points, custom-fitting the metal to the specific area to ensure a tight seal. By blocking off these areas, animals will not be able to enter the space and cause damage or nuisance. In addition to sealing entry points, preventative areas such as vents and chimneys can also be covered with sheet metal to further deter animals. This method is durable and long-lasting, providing ongoing protection against animal invasions.

What are the most common wildlife problems in homes and buildings?

The most common wildlife problems in homes and buildings include squirrels in the attic, raccoons in the chimney, and bats in the walls or attic.

What are the best methods for wildlife removal?

The best methods for wildlife removal depend on the species and location of the animals. Humane exclusion devices, such as one way doors, are often the most effective and ethical solution.

How do I prevent future wildlife invasions?

Preventing future wildlife invasions requires sealing entry points and implementing deterrents, such as barriers and screens. Attic sanitization and restoration can also help prevent future problems.

Can wildlife carry diseases?

Some wildlife, such as raccoons, bats, and squirrels, can carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets. It is important to take precautions and have a professional wildlife removal company handle the situation.