
Raccoons are a common sight in most urban areas, and can be identified by their gray fur and black masks. Though they are cute and often harmless, they can be destructive if they start rummaging through garbage cans or building dens in your attic.

Its important to take steps to keep raccoons away from your home, including regularly cleaning garbage cans, keeping pet food inside and installing motion sensors around areas they may visit.

If you already have a raccoon problem, it’s important to consult with a wildlife expert to ensure that the removal is handled in a humane manner. Exclusion efforts should be performed by a professional to ensure a recurrence.

Raccoons are a common problem for homeowners, causing damage to property and posing a risk to health and safety. Wildlife Solutions of Texas offers humane and effective raccoon removal services to help homeowners solve these problems. Our team of experts uses the latest techniques to safely remove raccoons from homes, attics, chimneys, and other areas, minimizing damage and reducing the risk of harm to both homeowners and the raccoons themselves. Our team also provides cleanup and restoration services to return homes to their original state, ensuring long-term protection from future invasions. Contact us today to learn more about our raccoon removal services and to schedule a consultation.