general information AND Habitat

The raccoon is a notorious pest throughout the entire state of Texas. Although they are a widely recognized species, immediately distinguished by their plump, gray and brown bodies, black-and-gray banded tails, and mask around their eyes, not many people know that that they can grow up to 33lbs. Because they are one of the most determined pests, their weight can make them quite a force to be reckoned with. Raccoons are known for breaking into houses, raiding gardens, chicken coops, and stealing pet food. They will enter through your attic or garage, and pose a severe threat to ductwork and insulation. Although they are generally solitary, they have been observed to gather in groups of up to 20 individuals. Breeding females can have litters of up to 7 pups, and the young will remain with their mother for about 6-9 months. Raccoons are known to carry rabies and many other parasites that can threaten the health of both you and your animals. Their numbers can proliferate if left unchecked.