All tagged Unwanted Guests

Raccoon Issues

Raccoons are fascinating creatures that are known for their playful and curious nature. With their distinctive bandit-like masks, they are easily recognizable and have become one of the most common wildlife species found in urban areas. Despite their adorable appearance, raccoons can also be a nuisance for homeowners. They have a tendency to raid garbage cans, dig up lawns, and create messes around homes. It's important to understand that raccoons can also carry a variety of diseases, including rabies and raccoon roundworm, which can pose a threat to both humans and pets. If you're experiencing a raccoon problem, the best solution is to contact a professional wildlife removal company for safe and humane removal.

Wild Weather

Bad weather, such as heavy rain and strong winds, can push wildlife to seek refuge in unexpected places, including your attic. As temperatures drop and the elements worsen, animals like raccoons, squirrels, and opossums may look for a warm, dry space to call home. Your attic, with its easy access points and potential nesting sources, can become an attractive option for wildlife seeking shelter from the storm. To prevent wildlife from entering your attic during bad weather, it's important to take preventative measures and, if needed, contact a professional wildlife removal company for safe and humane removal.