Wild Weather

Wild Weather

Rain and severe weather can often push wildlife to seek shelter in unexpected places, including your attic. As temperatures drop and the elements worsen, animals like raccoons, squirrels, and opossums may seek refuge in the warm, dry space of your home's attic. In this blog, we'll explain why rain and weather can drive wildlife into your attic and what you can do to prevent it from happening.

When rain and severe weather arrive, wildlife will often look for shelter to escape the elements. Attics are an attractive option because they provide a dry, warm space that is protected from the rain and wind. In addition, attics often have access points that are easy for animals to find and exploit.

Another factor that can drive wildlife into your attic is the availability for nesting. Colder weather is an indication for wildlife that spring is on the way. It will activate breeding among most North Texas mammals. Attics are a safe, dry spot for an expecting mother to have her babies. That is why it is crucial to have your house properly secured for animal invasions.

To prevent wildlife from entering your attic during rainy periods, it's important to take some preventative measures. Sealing up any potential entry points, such as holes in your roof or gaps in your eaves, can help keep animals out. You can also take steps to reduce food sources in and around your home, such as removing piles of leaves and cleaning up birdseed.

If you do find wildlife in your attic, it's best to contact a professional wildlife removal company like Wildlife Solutions of Texas. Our experts have the experience and equipment needed to safely and humanely remove wildlife from your home, and we can also help with animal-proofing and restoration services.

In conclusion, rain and severe weather can often drive wildlife into your attic in search of shelter and nesting. By taking preventative measures and contacting a professional wildlife removal company, you can help keep your home free from unwanted visitors. If you're having trouble with wildlife in your attic, don't hesitate to call Wildlife Solutions of Texas for expert help.

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