Trees: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Trees: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Trees can provide shade, clean air, reduce noise pollution, and even boost your home's curb appeal—but did you know that trees can also lead to wildlife getting into your attic?

Trees are essential for the health of our environment, and they provide a multitude of benefits. But when trees are too close to your home, they can create a pathway into your attic. Many animals, like bats, squirrels, raccoons, and even snakes, can easily climb trees and make their way into the soffit or eave of your home or office. Once these critters get a foothold on the roof, they can easily make their into the attic and set up shop.

The best way to prevent this from happening is to keep trees away from your home. Tree limbs should be trimmed back at least 8-10 feet from the home. If possible, you should also try to clear any overhanging branches from your roof to further deter animals from getting into your attic. Additionally, have your attic area inspected for any openings, such as small holes or gaps, to prevent wildlife from gaining access.

In short, trees near your home/office can provide important environmental benefits, but they can also act as a highway for small wildlife to get into your attic. To prevent critters from entering your home, make sure to keep trees properly trimmed and have your attic inspected for any potential openings.

Raccoon Issues

Raccoon Issues