Entering Spring Baby Season

Entering Spring Baby Season

Spring is almost here and with it comes the baby season for many species of wildlife. From baby squirrels to baby raccoons, it’s a time of year when we may start to notice more activity in and around our homes. While these baby animals are cute and fascinating to observe, it is important to understand the dangers and responsibilities that come with having wildlife in close proximity to our homes.

One of the biggest concerns with baby wildlife is the risk of disease transmission. Many species of wildlife carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans, pets, and other wildlife. Additionally, baby wildlife can also be carriers of fleas and ticks, which can spread diseases and cause health problems for humans and pets.

If you come across a baby animal that appears to be in distress, it is important to avoid handling it and instead, contact a professional wildlife removal company, such as Wildlife Solutions of Texas or a Wildlife Rehabilitator. They are trained to safely and humanely remove wildlife, including baby animals, and can assess the situation to determine the best course of action.

In addition to removal, it is also important to take preventative measures to keep wildlife out of your home. Sealing entry points, such as holes and cracks in your home, and implementing deterrents, such as barriers and screens, can help prevent future invasions.

Entering the spring baby season can be a time of excitement and wonder, but it’s important to remember to handle wildlife with care and caution. By contacting a professional wildlife removal company and taking preventative measures, you can ensure a safe and healthy environment for both yourself and the wildlife.

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